WelcoMe to ouR CultuRe
We draw on different thought-worlds and practices to expand what cultural production can look like, centring care, mutualism and anti-oppressive methods.
We embed evaluation from the start, to make sure we are working towards forms of sustainability that create a balance of social, cultural, environmental and economic value.

Our work takes many forms. We shape-shift between these three modes:

to collaborate and co-create cultural artefacts with others

to put on events & happenings

to redistribute cultural power to those less seen or heard

As a symbiont, we work with other artists and communities to enrich each other's practices and co-create cultural artefacts we wouldn't be able to imagine in isolation.
For example, we recently worked with musician Laura Misch to create a deep listening map that invites listeners to explore the physical and emotional landscapes that inspired her new record. Read more about that here.
As a host organism, we organise events and happenings, publish printed and digital matter, and create settings for people to connect or learn together.
For example, we recently brought Love Underground to the queer party Riposte; expanded the world of Laura Misch's record into an ambient sound bath; and hosted a botanical record launch party in the Brockwell Park Community Garden Greenhouses.

As a parasite, we redistribute the cultural power of established institutions to artists creating counter-cultural work. We're growing a new platform for this kind of work, with the hope of contributing to a creative solidarity economy.
For example, we invited 12 artists to join a DIY residency with Transport for London, helped them produce new work and installed it on trains and in stations. In some cases, this work went on to be funded and took on a life of its own. You can read more on that here.
We aRe oRGaNisM
Georgia is an Art Director and Designer who works for third sector organisations like Centrepoint, Waverley Care and Fitzroy.
Anna is an artist interested in anarchist modes of cultural production whose recent work includes Love Underground. They are also senior lecturer on the MA for Social Innovation and Sustainable Futures at University of the Arts London.
Lorna is the Engagement Producer for The Line, an outdoors art trail in East London, an outdoor educator and a multi-disciplinary creative practitioner.